Community History Project
You’ve made the drive, hammered the pegs, circled the program and given yourself over to music and friends and Guinness and joy beneath the Norfolk pines of Port Fairy.
Now it’s time to tell us the stories.
We want to create a definitive history of the Port Fairy Folk Festival in time for our fast-approaching 50th anniversary, and we need your help. There’s plenty of facts and figures we can trawl up from the archive, but there’s no substitute for the anecdotes, the rumours, the myths and legends that you’ve lived through.
So get involved! You can use the fields below to write down your tales, and to upload any photos you’ve got kicking around in that bottom drawer. You can choose either to remain anonymous (a wise decision, Your Honour), or leave us some details so we can acknowledge your contribution.
Drop in as many stories and pictures as you want, let us know if you want a phone call, and thank you from the bottom of our folky hearts!
Please note that by contributing your stories and pictures, you’re agreeing to their publication – and also that we can’t publish everything we receive. We might need to edit. But whatever happens, we will treat your memories with respect.