Folk legend Rick E Vengeance, assisted by his wife Leanne, launched the Sunday Singout around 1997. The two would guide the crowd at the Guinness Tent (now the Shebeen) on a journey of classic and often tongue in cheek songs which included members of the audience on stage for what Rick called ‘Live Karaoke’. The shows were intended to be ‘just for fun’ and were an instant hit with festival goers. Jimi Hocking (Jimi the human, Screaming Jets) joined the Sunday Singout as Rick’s sideman in 1999 whilst also appearing at Port Fairy. The two continued the Sunday tradition together for the next 18 years.
Then in 2018, heartbreak… the irreplaceable Rick E Vengeance passed away.
It was Rick’s wishes that Jimi would continue the Singalong and bequeathed to him his black Maton workhorse guitar.
Over the years the Singout had also acquired the talents of Mark Aspland on (Woodskin) Cajon, and Claymore frontman/legend William Hutton.
“Rick E Vengeance was such a unique character and wanted to include EVERYONE in the joy of music, I loved the guy and continue the Sunday Singout in his honour.” – Jimi Hocking